Cache Valley Assisted Living has Talent

We have such amazing staff at Cache Valley Assisted Living and Memory Care. They love to serve our residents and give them the absolute best care in the Logan, Utah valley. We support them in all their activities. We are very lucky to have those that have such a passion to care for our residents and their loved ones at Cache Valley Assisted Living and Memory Care.
Cache Valley Assisted Living and Memory Care has got Talent!🎵
🎵 our very own Amber Kacherian performed her Modern Millie audition for our residents!
Please come in to Cache Valley Assisted Living and Memory Care in Providence, Utah and see what we have to offer your loved one.
👏Good luck Amber!
#thisgirlcansing#wearefamily #talentedstaff #fanclub #foreveryoung#myjobiscoolerthanyours #itisgoodforthesole